Thursday, October 27, 2011

11 For 2011 (I'm not hyper anymore ;)

 What do you have in your pocket?
My pajamas don't have pockets :)                                                                                                                               What was the last thing you had to drink?
Mango Juice
What makes you happy?
American candy :)
What was the last really nice thing you did for someone?
I helped Amit with her bags                                                                                                                      What scares you?
Roller coasters, big water slides, and bananas ;)
What was the last movie you saw?
Zombieland                                                                                                                                             What was the last song you sang?
Dare to Dream (choir)                                                                                                                           What was the last thing you bought?
What couldn’t you live without?
My family and my pets <3 And America <3
What do you hope for?
A good life :]
What could you live without?
Bad things, the things that I'm scared of, and yeah, uhh world suffering.

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