Tuesday, October 25, 2011

11 for 2011 by me when I'm hyper

 What do you have in your pocket?
I have nothing in my pocket. Except the UNIVERSE!!! mwuahahaha!!!
 What was the last thing you had to drink?
O.J.      :]      (Don't freak out it's not the CAT!....OR IS IT?????)
What makes you happy?
Food that is stolen :)
What was the last really nice thing you did for someone?
I fed my dog a pickle :)
 What scares you?
BANANAS!!! And rides that go down really fast. O.O                                                                              What was the last movie you saw?
Johnny English REBORN!!
What was the last song you sang?
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!!! *clap* *clap* :)
What was the last thing you bought?
Water from Ms. Dina, or maybe pizza? Or a muffin, or....MAN! now I forget. -.-
What couldn’t you live without?
All of my PETS <3 :)
What do you hope for?
A unicorn and a double rainbow :)
What could you live without?
Bananas. Definitely.
Are you serious? Theses are your answers? They're not even complete sentences!
I know :)
You're probably going to have to redo it!
I know :)
You're hyper, aren't you.
Yep :)


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